An Introduction…
My name is Meghan Buchanan. As one of my students so eloquently once said, “ I am trying to juggle being a mother, a professor, an artist, and a total bad ass.”
I moved back to my home state of Oklahoma in 2013 upon the arrival of my son Henry. Prior to my move, I spent 8 years living in New York working as a professional prop master and artisan. With my dear friend, Grady Barker, I co-founded a company called Paper Mache Monkey. We produced specialty props and scenic pieces for Broadway/ off- Broadway shows, New York Fashion Week, MTV, and Saturday Night Live. It was an absolutely amazing time, and I am grateful for every second of it. For more about PMM visit
While I was saddened to leave New York, I was eager to begin my life as a mother. I now work as the scenic artist at Oklahoma City University. I have a wonderful husband named LukE (who is busy running a company of his own: OK Cider Co. ), a whip smart 6 year old boy, and 2 new step sons who more than keep me on my toes.
As of late, I have done everything from painting murals and embroidering PF Flyers to taking stained glass and welding classes. If you are interested in any commissions, please email me at